Life Story
Life Story
I grew up going to church; we said our prayers around the dinner table and kneeled in prayer at bedtime. That’s what I thought being a Christian meant. One Sunday, when I was in high school, Jesus found me. My best friend walked with me to the altar. I wish I could explain that feeling; so many emotions all at the same time but with this wonderful peaceful feeling. I knew I was meant to do something. I threw myself into bible study, sang in church, taught Children’s Church, performed skits at local youth rallies – anything I could to be involved at the church. I thought I was on fire for the Lord, but I didn’t really get it, yet.
In college, I met my husband, Michael, in an intro to computers class. We had a mutual attraction, and we had a lot in common. We dated for a bit, but it didn’t work out at first. It was a case of the right person at the wrong time. About a year after that last date, I gave him a call. We went to a comedy event and have been together ever since. We have two children; one recently graduated from high school and the baby graduates in two years! Time goes quickly. Michael and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary this year.
After our first child was born, we started attending a local church in Kentucky where we lived at the time. I realized I had been so focused on life happening that I had neglected my relationship with Christ. God was waiting when I found my way back. I rededicated my life to Him and was baptized again with a fuller understanding of the significance. Before Christ, I was very judgmental – snobbish – extremely vain and prideful. The thing is that once you know Christ and you get it and you’re all in, that’s when life can get tough, but it is purposeful. Through the grace of God, and only because of God – I have the gift of mercy and a passion to help people where they are in life. I realized that it doesn’t matter if you live in a house on a hill or a in cardboard box – God loves you. It doesn’t matter if you wear designer clothes or hand me downs – God loves you. I was so materialistic that I couldn’t see that before. God opened my eyes.
In 2015, we stepped out in faith as a family and made the decision to move to Florida. It was a hard decision to make, but God had a plan. We had no idea where we were going to live or work, but we knew we were supposed to go. It was scary at times. Looking back now it’s so easy to see how God directed every step of our path and it was for our good.
That path put us here in Groveland and led us to worship and serve at FBC Groveland. I know that I am in the right place, at the right time, doing what God wants me to do. There is such a peace in that. I love being part of the FBC Groveland family and the Love Groveland outreach ministry.
My wish for the future of FBC Groveland is to continue growing to be that beacon of light in our community. To continue to be a church in Groveland who loves God, teaches biblical truths, and strives to look like the community we serve. I pray that this church would change lives, alter perspectives, lead people to salvation, and make disciples that boldly proclaim the gospel.